2023 Action Scorecards

Action Scorecards 2023

Buildings & Heating & Green Skills (CA)

Buildings and Heating is one of the biggest sectors of carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Combined Authorities do not own council homes or have direct involvement with homeowners. Instead, they lead on adult education in their area, as well as economic growth so have an opportunity to influence the Green Skills needed for low carbon buildings and heating.

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Average score

Combined Authority

60% Average score

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QuestionsCouncils with full marks per question

Is the combined authority's operations powered by renewable energy?

2 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority supported local community renewable energy creation?

5 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority part of a partnership to support retrofit in the area?

6 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority produced research or a strategy understanding the scale, need and opportunity of retrofitting in its area?

5 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority successfully raised funds for decarbonising homes and buildings through national government grants?

9 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority have a detailed plan or strategy to create the green skills needed to mitigate and adapt to the climate emergency?

5 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Is the combined authority part of a programme to support green jobs creation in the area?

10 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Does the combined authority run an employment or careers programme or project to encourage and promote green jobs?

7 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority funded a significant number of adult education skills courses or training advertised as skills for Green Jobs?

4 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.

Has the combined authority had a significant number of people completing adult education courses or training in the last three academic years that they funded and advertised as skills for Green jobs?

5 out of 11 combined authority councils got full marks for this question.
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