2023 Action Scorecards

Action Scorecards 2023

Question: Does the combined authority's Spatial Planning Strategy include the council's net-zero target and make tackling the climate emergency one of its main priorities?

Question code
Planning & Biodiversity (CA)
Spatial Planning Strategy
Volunteer Research
Question weight


Criteria met if the Spatial Planning Strategy is in date and the net-zero target is included within the Spatial Planning strategy, although any date for the net-zero target would be sufficient.

One of the key priorities in the Spatial Planning Strategy must be to tackle the climate emergency or reduce emissions. The priority to take climate action must be a stand alone priority, listed as one of the councils core priorities or equivalent. If the core priority is a more general 'Sustainability', 'Environment' or 'Greener City/Area' and climate action is a priority within this core priority this would get the point.


We will accept other language for target dates, including “carbon neutrality” or “carbon budget”.

If the Spatial Planning Strategy references a national net-zero target it must still clearly be an objective of the local plan to meet the national target, and rather than the national target just being stated.

Question performance

0 points

8 Combined Authorities

1 point

3 Combined Authorities
Greater London Authority1/1london.gov.uk
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1/1greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1/1liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0/1
North East Combined Authority0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority0/1
West of England Combined Authority0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0/1