2023 Action Scorecards

Action Scorecards 2023

Question: Does the council have enforced school streets across its area?

Question code
School Streets
Volunteer Research
Question weight


Two tier criteria
Points awarded for 10 or more enforced school streets.

Further points awarded for 30 or more enforced school streets.

A trial school street, which is current at the time of marking, will be counted but only if the local authority is over the total of 10/30 with trial/permanent school streets

School streets must be year round to be accepted here.


A school street is a street outside of a school that is closed to private vehicles for a time period before and after the school opens and shuts. This is to encourage a safe route for children to walk or roll to school, and improve air quality on the roads outside schools.

Enforced school streets are when the road is blocked during the hours decided or there are cameras used to stop private vehicles (often with exceptions for residents) to travel down the street.

Question performance

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