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Education, skills and training

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Education, skills and training

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Question details


Does the Plan include climate education for the public as a key component across the different action themes?


The Plan includes climate education in schools.


The Plan includes climate education for the public as a key component in the action plan. This refers not to school children and those in formal education but everyone.

Including but not limited to:
• Adults in work
• Adults out of work
• Carers
• Seniors
• Incarcerated people

Individual question performance

Filter question performance by type of council

Number of councils

12 councils match these filters


Does the Plan include climate education for the public as a key component across the different action themes?


of councils scored

0.0 out of 2


of councils scored

1.0 out of 2


of councils scored

2.0 out of 2
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/2
Greater London Authority0.0/2
Greater Manchester Combined Authority0.0/2
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority2.0/2
North East Combined Authority0.0/2
North of Tyne Combined Authority2.0/2
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/2
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/2
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/2
West of England Combined Authority0.0/2
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/2


The Plan includes climate education in schools.


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority0.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority0.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority1.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan includes climate education for the public as a key component in the action plan. This refers not to school children and those in formal education but everyone.

Including but not limited to:
• Adults in work
• Adults out of work
• Carers
• Seniors
• Incarcerated people


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority0.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority0.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority1.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority0.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1