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Mitigation and adaptation

About this question


Mitigation and adaptation

Question code


Question details


Does the plan set out adaptation actions for the whole district that the Council will take in the following areas?


The Plan sets out how the council will help residents prepare for changes in climate and extreme weather.


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for planning and land use


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for transport


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for buildings, housing and infrastructure


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for business and industry


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for energy generation


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for the natural environment and biodiversity


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for agriculture and food production

Individual question performance

Filter question performance by type of council

Number of councils

12 councils match these filters


Does the plan set out adaptation actions for the whole district that the Council will take in the following areas?


of councils scored

0.0 out of 8


of councils scored

1.0 out of 8


of councils scored

2.0 out of 8


of councils scored

5.0 out of 8


of councils scored

6.0 out of 8


of councils scored

7.0 out of 8
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/8
Greater London Authority5.0/8
Greater Manchester Combined Authority6.0/8
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority6.0/8
North East Combined Authority0.0/8
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/8
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority1.0/8
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/8
West Midlands Combined Authority7.0/8
West of England Combined Authority1.0/8
West Yorkshire Combined Authority2.0/8


The Plan sets out how the council will help residents prepare for changes in climate and extreme weather.


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority1.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority0.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority0.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority1.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for planning and land use


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority1.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority1.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for transport


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority0.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for buildings, housing and infrastructure


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority1.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for business and industry


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority1.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority0.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority0.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for energy generation


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority1.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority1.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for the natural environment and biodiversity


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority0.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority1.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority1.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1


The Plan sets out adaptation actions for agriculture and food production


of councils scored

0.0 out of 1


of councils scored

1.0 out of 1
Council NoScore
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority0.0/1
Greater London Authority0.0/1
Greater Manchester Combined Authority0.0/1
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority1.0/1
North East Combined Authority0.0/1
North of Tyne Combined Authority0.0/1
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority0.0/1
Tees Valley Combined Authority0.0/1
West Midlands Combined Authority1.0/1
West of England Combined Authority0.0/1
West Yorkshire Combined Authority0.0/1